Õnneks asus meie hostel linnast väljas õiges suunas ning pühapäeva hommikul väsimust trotsides oli meil ainult paar sammu Horvaatiasse viiva maanteeni. Esimese autoga saime ainult 10 minutit edasi ning olime JÄLLE keset kiirteed ( see nagu meie special juba- kiirteel ja linnas sees hääletamine). Saime õnneks väga kiiresti mingi mehe peale, kes ingl keelt ei rääkinud üldse ja ma siis purssisin taga saksa keelt, mida ta ka väga hästi ei osanud, aga saime suheldud vähemalt. Mingi hetk kuulas ta liiklusuudiseid ja hakkas toolil hüppama ja meie poole näitama. Ma alguses ei saanud aru, et mis tal nüüd viga hakkas, siis läbi oma elevuse seletas, et uudistes oli öeldud, et 2 tüdrukut hääletavad Ljubljana juures. Meil Annikaga tõmbusid näod valgeks, et miks selline asi üldse uudistes on ja siis ta seletas, et Sloveenia kiirteel on hääletamine väga seaduse vastane ja trahv oleks 300 euri näkku. Meie soov tagasi teele minna oli suur null ning see tüüp ütles, et ta peab oma rekkkale järgi minema ja siis sõidab nagunii laadungiga Rumeenia poole ehk me saaks temaga piirini, AGA rekkates ei tohi üle 2 inimese olla (meil eelnevalt väga jopanud) ning me tegime otsuse, mida mina arvasin, et selle tripi jooksul ei juhtu kordagi ning läksime lahku. Mina sõitsin selle tüübi rekkas piirini ja Annika läks ta sõbra omasse. Õnneks läks kõik hästi, kuigi ma tean kui loll otsus see oli aga peale seda uudiste jama ei tahtnud enne Horvaatiat küll enam teele tagasi minna. Kuigi selle tripi ajal olin ma kõige rohkem vihane, mis ma seal üldse olin. Nimelt ootasime me tema sõpra, kes pidavat elama 30km kaugusel lõpuks kokku peaaegu 2 tundi, mille jooksul me oleks jõudnud juba Horvaatiasse kuskile ning kuna ei olime taaskord eikusagimaal rekka garaažide juures, siis tekkis nii lõksus tunne, et me esiteks teeme niigi lolli otsuse ja nüüd me ei saa sealt ära ka.
Nad viskasid meid maha paarsada meetrit enne piiri ja meil oli et wtf, arvasime et saame üle nendega ja nüüd olime ikka kuskil kiirtee bensukas. Mõtlesime, et hea küll suva, kõnnime siis üle piiri, aga kuumus oli tappev ja ma seljaga kõndides viskasin näpu püsti ja üks naine jäi seisma ja temaga saime Horvaatiasse.
Sloveenia kohta jätkub mul ainult häid sõnu. Taaskord ei osanud ma midagi oodata ja täiesti armusin Ljubljanasse ära. Armas linn, melu käib, sõbralikud kohalikud. Ljubljana on vaieldamatult minu lemmiklinn selle tripi jooksul.
After the creep dropped us off we found ourselves on the highway again. But we were picked up very quickly by such a nice slovenian guy, who told us so much about slovenian culture. Our hostel in Ljubljana was soo good, one of the best we stayed in during our trip. As soon as we had dropped off our bags and showered we made our way to a market place, where an „open kitchen“ took place. It is an every Friday event where local restaurants, bars and cafes come and sell their stuff outdoors. Quickly I spotted my fav coctail sold quite cheaply and we had few to start the Friday night. Afterwards we went to an outdoor bar, where live music was played and just enjoyed our first night in Ljubljana. That was one of those moments in life where you think that things are just prefect. Then we decided to go to a club and had previously found out what is the best place to go and opened our maps and started walking there. One moment a massive punch of pub crawl people walked past us to the opposite direction and we were like, hmmm there is smth wrong in here, because we were supposed to go to the same place. We stopped and started to look where to go when a local guy came to talk to us and ended up partying with us all night and taking us to the right places.
Next morning we had to check out. When I woke at 10am my stepcounter showed already 18 000 steps. Unfortunately the whole Ljubljana was sold out and we had no idea what to do. We did not wanted to leave Ljubljana yet, but there was just no place to stay. Finally after me sleeping in the hostel couch we found a place 4km out of the town. For the sunset we got some local wine and climbed on the top of Ljubljana to the castle, enjoyed the view to the gorgeous Ljubljana and good company. On our way down we met a finnish and 2 american guys and went to the weirdest area in Ljubljana to a total underground party area. Annika went home and we went to a rooftop bar and around 3.30 I started to go home. I had no cash left at this point and started to walk in hope to find an atm, but there was none so I ended up walking the whole way back to our in-the-middle-of-nowhere hostel. I should seriously consider a career in speed walking after that night. Next day we made our way to the road again and were aiming to go to Zadar in Croatia. First guy who picked us up took us only 10 minutes further and once again we were on a highway ( our specialities are highways and inside the towns hitchhiking). Thankfully we were picked up quickly by a guy who didn’t speak any english, so I was communicating in german with him, although we wasn’t that good in german either. Suddenly he started to jump on his seat, getting proper excited and pointed at us. We had no glue what is going on, when next to his excitement he explained that on traffic news on the radio it was told that two girls are hitchhiking next to Ljubljana. Our faces were priceless at that moment. I asked why even is such a thing on news and aparently it is very illegal to hitchhike on highways in Slovenia and the fine can be up to 300 euros per person. Well safe to say that after that announcement we had no motivation to go back to the road in Slovenia anymore. Our driver said that he has to pick up his lory but is heading towards Romania so he can take us to the border, BUT only 2 people are allowed to be in trucks so me and Annika did something I thought we will defo not going to do on this trip and we went separately. I went with this guy’s truck and Annika went with one of his friend’s truck. I know it is stupid, but after the radio news we just wanted to get over the border. But beforehand we had to wait his friend, who apparently lived 30km away, for almost 2 hours. We were boiling since it was such a waste of time for us and we were wrecked from the night before. And then they dropped us off few hundered meters before the border. We were like , okay let’s just walk over, but it was so hot and we were proper pissed off after all that waiting so we didn’t even face the cars and I just put my finger up and very surprisingly a woman picked us up and took us over the border.
Slovenia itself is amazing and Ljubljana is defo my favourite spot on this trip. I did not know what to expect from this place at all and totally fell in love to it. Such a beautiful, vibrant city with so friendly people. Another hidden pearl of Europe.
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