Thursday, July 6, 2017

Horvaatia/ Croatia đŸ‡­đŸ‡·

Meie pĂ€ev Horvaatiasse hÀÀletades osutus ĂŒheks vĂ€ga joppamise, kuid samas ka palju jamaga pĂ€evaks
Siiani tagasimÔeldes tundub nagu too 25.juuni oleks kestnud terve nÀdala. NÀrvikÔdi jagus ja see hostelisse saabumine oli eriti magus.
Nimelt pĂ€ev algas siis meie Sloveenia raadio seiklustega, lĂ”putu ootamise ja eraldi rekkatega. Nagu eelmise postituse lĂ”pus mainisin, siis just enne Horvaatia piiri vĂ”ttis meid ĂŒks naine peale, kes taaskord ei rÀÀkind sĂ”nagi inglise keelt, Ă”nneks rÀÀkis ta puhtalt saksa keelt, et suheldud me saime. Naljatilk oli ta ka kĂŒsides politseilt tollis, et kus meil oleks hea koht Zadari poole hÀÀletada. Me Annikaga vahetasime pilke, et mis ta teeb nalja vĂ”i? Tahab meile kohe trahvid kaela saada. Igatahes oli ta vĂ€ga tore, kuigi hakkas oma abieluprobleeme kurtma peale seda kui me olime 10min autos istunud aga hea kĂŒll, sĂ”idu eest vĂ”in ma veidi aega ka psĂŒhholoogi mĂ€ngida. Ütlesime talle mitu korda, et meie esimeseks sihtkohakss Horvaatias on Zadari nimeline linnake lĂ”unapool ning nĂ€itasin mapsist kohta kus me maha peaks minema. Sinna ristmikule jĂ”udes ta ĂŒtles, et seal on liiga ohtlik ning pole bensukat ja sĂ”itis edasi. Mul oli, et suva see bensukas, meil on vaja maha saada, ta aga hakkas paanitsema, et me ei saa seal hÀÀletada (ilmselgelt ei tea ta kui sihikindlad me omadega oleme) ja kuna vihma hakkas ka sadama, siis sĂ”itis ta edasi. Mingi hetk me juba ei teadnud kas nutta vĂ”i naerda, sest me olime pĂ€ris pikalt sĂ”itnud kiirteel tĂ€iesti teises suunas ning no way, et me oleks Ă”igele ristmikule tagasi saanud kĂ”ndida. Peale 20 minutilist sĂ”itu tuli vĂ€ike kĂ”rvaltee ja ma juba suht kurjalt ĂŒtlesin, et meil on vaja kohe maha minna, sest me liigume vastassuunas. Ta ise oli ka veits ehmunud, et nii valesti lĂ€ks ja vabandas, aga no elu lĂ€heb edasi, meil oli lihtsalt vaja Ă”igesse suunda saada. LĂ€ksime siis maha taaskord keset kiirteed, padukat sadas ning mĂ”tlesime, et hea kĂŒll lĂ€hme ĂŒle tee ja siis hÀÀletame oma ristini tagasi. Esimene probleem ilmnes teed ĂŒletades. Nimelt oli liiklus tagasi tĂ€iesti kreisi ning vahepeal oli tunne, et jÀÀmegi kahe kiirtee vahel olevale muruplatsile ööbima, Ă”nneks peale mĂ”nda minutit saime ikka ĂŒle tee, olles lĂ€bimĂ€rjad ning vĂ€ga ausalt öeldes oli supper kopp ees sellest pĂ€evast juba. Õnneks jĂ€i rekka suht kohe seisma ning sees olid kaks vĂ€ga toredat horvaatia tĂŒĂŒpi, kellega saime 100km kaugusele Zadarist. KĂ”ht oli vÀÀÀga tĂŒhi selleks hetkeks ning tegime bensukas söögipausi. Sealt saime oma fun tuju tagasi ning loivasime juba oma lamekate saatel tee ÀÀrde tagasi, mĂ”eldes, et oleme ainult 100km oma kohast. AGA nagu mainitud, siis see pĂ€ev ei olnud pĂ€ris meie pĂ€ev ning me seisime ja seisime ja seisime ja esimest korda reisi jooksul oli tunne, et me ei jĂ”ua vist oma sihtkohta ning peame öö seal samas bensukas veetma. LĂ”puks pĂ€rast vĂ€ga pikka ootamist jĂ€i ĂŒks minivan seisma ja need inimesed seal oli lihtsalt supppppppper toredad. Terve tee chattisime Horvaatia kohta ja saime palju soovitusi. A la 10 min peale autole saamist oli tĂ€iesti kottpime ning tekkis suur torm. Vihma peksis jubedalt ja Ă€ikest lĂ”i nii et taevas oli valge. Annikaga sosistasime vist 8x sĂ”idu jooksul, et meil ikka nii joppas selle autoga ja et ei pidanud selle tormiga tee ÀÀres olema. Nad tegelikud sĂ”itsid Spliti ja pidid meid linna ÀÀres maha panema, aga hakkas vist kahju ja viisid hosteli ette Ă€ra. LĂ”pp hea kĂ”ik hea, aga ausalt see pĂ€ev mis algas öösel ĂŒksi lĂ€bi Ljubljana pipragaas kĂ€es koju kĂ”ndides ja lĂ”ppes seal minibussis Ă€iksetormi ajal istudes oli ikka vÀÀÀÀga pikk.
Aga meie esimene sihtkoht ehk Zadar on pisike linnake vĂ€ga armas. Olime seal 2 ööd megamĂ”nusas hostelis, kĂ€isime ujumas (vesi on seal niiiii ilus sinine ja saab igalt poolt sisse hĂŒpata, aga liivarandu pole, et suht kivide peal on pĂ€evitamine) jalutasime linnapeal ringi ja lihtsalt olime, sest ausalt öeldes, siis meie jaanipĂ€eva tĂ€histamised Sloveenias vĂ€sitasid suht Ă€ra ning energiavarud olid otsakorral.
Peale kahte tsillipĂ€eva seadsime end Spliti poole teele. Seda kohta saime soovituseks igalt poolt, kui Horvaatiat mainisime. Ka sinna jĂ€ime kaheks ööks ning OI kui ilus linn see on. Ma arvan, et ma olen tee leidmisega pĂ€ris osav aga seal ei leidnud ma meie vanalinna hostelit ka peale 2.pĂ€eva ĂŒles. Lihtsalt nii palju pisikesi tĂ€navaid, osad tupikud ka veel ning kĂ”ik nii sarnased
 Aga ausalt vĂ€ga, vĂ€ga ilus linn. Split on tuntud ka peosihtkohana ning ka meie otsustasime mĂ”lemad pĂ€evad kohalikku ööelu uurida. Taaskord sai tantsitud varavalgeni ning tutvutud lahedate inimestega. Teisel ööl tutvusin ĂŒhe aussi koomikuga ja pole ammu nii palju naernud, et mu pĂ”sed olid valusad. 
Teise pĂ€eva hommikul tahtsime olla kultuursed ning taaskord ĂŒle 30 kraadise kuumaga mĂ”tlesime minna ĂŒhe kĂŒnka otsa linnavaadet nautima, sealt aga lĂ€ks vĂ€ike teeke ning mĂ”tlesime, et lĂ€hme siis ringiga alla. Kaarti me ei hakanud vaatama eelnevalt kuna aega meil ju oli. “VĂ€ike teeke” osutus aga 9km ringiks ning see kuumus ka kergelt tappis.
JĂ€rgmine hommik Ă€rkasime vara ning seadsime sammud praami poole, sest meie jĂ€rgmiseks sihtkohaks oli Hvar, mis on pisike saareke 1-2 h (olenevalt transpordist) Splitist. Kuna kĂ€tte oli jĂ”udnud 29. Juuni, siis vaatamata faktile, et meil kohe ĂŒldse ei olnud energiat ega suurt peotuju, ajasime ilusad riided selga ja vedasime end linna. Annika, vĂ€ike krutski, mĂ”tles, et jube Ă€ge oleks terve tĂ€nava tĂ€helepanu mulle tĂ”mmata. Nimelt asusime ĂŒhel pisikesel kitsal tĂ€naval, kus baarid asusid mĂ”lemal pool. Enne sĂŒdaööd hakkas ta ringi kĂ€ima ja mulle laulukoori otsima ning kui kell lĂ”i 00, hakkas terve see vÔÔraid tĂ€is tĂ€nav ĂŒhtĂ€kki mulle sĂŒnnipĂ€evalaulu laulma, siis tĂ”steti mind kellegi Ă”lgadele, ulatati mojito ning sĂ€rakĂŒĂŒnlad. Alguses ma tahtsin sealt tĂ€navalt pĂ”geneda, aga tegelt oli see ikka suppppppper Ă€ge algus 27.ks 😊

Ka 30.juuni möödus vĂ€ga tsillilt ja hĂ€sti. LĂ€ksime paadiga Palmizana saarele, pĂ€evitasime ja tsillisime seal, hostelisse jĂ”udes tegime korraliku junki Ă”htusöögi ning lĂ€ksime pubirallile, aga seekord paadiga. Ehk tsillasime paadiga ĂŒle tunni mere peal, kus oli tasuta jook, lĂ€ksime korra Hvari ĂŒhte baari, aga meile seal ei meeldinud ning otsisime selleks ajaks endale uue seltskonna, lĂ€ksime paadile tagasi ja siis sĂ”itsime Carpe Diem nimelisse kluppi, mis asub pisikesel saarel, kus peale selle vabaĂ”hu klubi ei olegi mitte midagi muud.
ÜhesĂ”naga sĂŒnnipĂ€ev oli supppper tore, pĂ€ikseline, soe ja kindlasti meeldejÀÀv.
JĂ€rgmine pĂ€ev oli motivatsiooni suur null, aga meid ootas ees tripp Pulasse, vĂ€ikesesse linna pĂ”hja Horvaatias. Ja ka see pĂ€ev kestis nagu nĂ€dala. KĂ”igepealt meil oli suuri raskusi, et ĂŒldse Splitist (kuhu me pidime Hvarilt kĂ”igepealt tagasi minema) vĂ€lja saada, mingi hetk olime jĂ€lle kiirteel, kust saime suure joppamisega ĂŒhe mehe peale, kes tahtis meile rannikuvaateid nĂ€idata ja minna mööda vĂ€ikseid kÀÀnulisi teid, mitte vĂ€ga hea idee, sest mul seal taga istudes kĂŒll hea neid vaateid nautida polnud, pigem oli sĂŒda paha terve tee. Aga Rijeka juurde me kohale temaga saime ning minna oli vaid 96km ehk mott oli laes, vĂ”tsime burksid, vantsisime rÔÔmsalt tee ÀÀrde ja sinna me jĂ€imegi, kuskil 45ks minutiks, mille jooksul oli pĂ€ike jĂ”udnud loojuda ning hakkas hĂ€marduma. Meie naljad asendusid ĂŒpris kiiresti vaikusega, ning kuna Pula oli esimene koht, kus meil oli vaja aja peale kohal olla siis olukord kiskus kriitiliseks. LĂ”puks jĂ€i ĂŒks auto seisma ning kui terve reis oli meil autode ja juhtidega ikka vĂ€ga nĂ€kanud, siis mitte seekord. Omavahel tegime veel nalja, et milline au jĂ€rgmisele autole osaks saab, et nad on meie hÀÀletustripi viimane auto, aga pigem oli see viimane ots pĂ€rit hoiatavatest lugudest, miks mitte hÀÀletada. 99l juhul 100st oleksime me sellisele autole “ei” öelnud, aga kahjuks oli see 1x 100st kĂ€es, kus vĂ€ljas oli hĂ€mar, me olime seisnud seal juba pikka aega ning oli vaja kiiresti kohale jĂ”uda.
Auto oli pann, supper pann. Kui nad seisma jĂ€id ei olnud taga istmeidki, mingi katkine autouks oli pagassis, turvavööd ei töödanud, auto oli supppper rĂ€pane, juhid suitsetasid kordamööda non-stop, et meil juba jĂ€lle sĂŒda pahaks lĂ€ks. Juhtimisoskus oli null, igakord kui juht pead pööras siis auto kaldus kĂ”rvale, sĂ”idu kiirus selle panniga oli 90 alas 140km/h. Juhid ise olid ka vĂ€ga veidrad. Annika sosistas mingi hetk, et ta pipragaasi igaks juhuks kĂ€tte vĂ”tab. Hea idee, mĂ”tlesin sama teha, siis meenus, et suurte joppamiste peale oli mu valvsus, mida me enne trippi kokku leppisime, tĂ€iesti hajunud ning pipragaas asus meigikotis, mis asus seljakotis kuskil. Hea kĂŒll, hakkasin seda gaasi sealt vĂ€lja kaevama.Siis mĂ”tlen, et aga kui midagi siin peaks nihu minema ja peaks jooksma, siis mul on varbavaheplĂ€tud, nendega ma kaugele kĂŒll ei jookse. Tenkusid ma enam kaevama ei hakanud, jĂ€in lootma adrenaliinilaksule kui miskit peaks juhtuma. Ning kĂ”igele lisaks sai poole tee peal mu telefoni aku tĂ€iesti tĂŒhjaks ja telefon viskas pildi tasku. Annikal oli akut 3%. VĂ€ljas oli pime, tĂŒĂŒbid ja see sĂ”itmine muutus jĂ€rjest kahtlasemaks, eriti kui nad pöörasid enne peateed Ă€ra. Inglise keelt nad ei rÀÀkind, kĂ”rvalistuja saksa keeles purssis miskit ja siis temaga ma veits suhtlesin, proovides ise maailmarahuna nĂ€ida, kuigi pulss oli laes ja never ever pole ma nii hullult kilomeetreid lugenud. Ta ĂŒtles, et teevad shortcuti. Telefon oli tĂŒhi, kontrollida ei saanud, jĂ€in teemĂ€rke ootama. Õnneks viisid nad meid ikka Pulasse, kuhu jĂ”udsime ikka ĂŒhes tĂŒkis. Kohale jĂ”udes tuli vĂ€lja, et tagauks kĂ€ib ainult vĂ€ljaspoolt lahti ka. Ütleme nii, et pĂ€ris pingeline sĂ”it oli see viimane meil. Taavi ĂŒtles sellepeale, hea, et esimene auto selline ei olnud, muidu oleks kohe alguses moti Ă€ra kaotanud. Ja oligi aeg veeta meie viimane öö Horvaatis, vĂ€ga supper sihtkoht. Mul jĂ€tkub ainult hĂ€id sĂ”nu, kuigi hinnatase on suht kallis ning hÀÀletama ma sinna enam ei lĂ€heks, vĂ€hemalt meie jaoks osutus Horvaatias autole saamine kordades raskemaks ja pikemaks, kui kuskil mujal.
Ma ei mĂ€letagi, miks me just Horvaaatis oma hÀÀletamise lĂ”ppkohaks valisime, aga mul on hea meel, et me seda tegime ja et ma sain oma sĂŒnnipĂ€eva nii meeldejÀÀvalt tĂ€histada. ( siinkohal ka SUUUUURED TÄNUD KÕIGILE ÕNNESOOVIJATELE!!!vĂ€ga armas, et meeles pidasite ja head soovid teele saatsite 😊 )
Plaane tegime me ĂŒmber pĂ€ris palju, sest esialgu pidine veetma Horvaatias vaid 3 ööd ja pĂ”hjas, kuid lĂ”petasime 7 ööga ja lĂ”unas. Kindlasti tahaks sinna tagasi minna ja veel rohkem avastada, aga hetkel tunnen, et tegime ja nĂ€gime ka selle nĂ€dalaga vĂ€ga palju.

Leaving for Croatia was one of the longest days and seemed like this 25th of June had lasted for a week. We were lucky at the end, but throughout the whole day we had quite a bit of challenges. As I mentioned at the end of my last post then after the trucks dropped us of in the petrol station and a woman stopped to took us over the border, she started to ask the police, if they know any good spots in direction Zadar, where she can drop us off and we can hitchhike from. Our faces were pale, thinking if she wants us to get fined straight away or smth, we just heard we can get 300 euros fine and now she asks an officer for an advise. Joke! Thankfully they did not care much. This woman was very friendly, but spoke no English at all. Thankfully her german was very good, so we could communicate easily, but after 10 minutes sitting in a car, she started to talk about her marriage problems. My german is quite good, but my vocabulary in marriage problems, is hardly excisting, so I tried to lead the conversation to anything else at all quite fast. When we reached to point, where we had to go to another direction I told her in advance that in 20km, we have to go right, so whenever she can, we would go out. But she was a worrying mother and since there was no petrol station she kept driving. I said it doesn’t matter, we can hitchhike on an highway as well and we have done that quite a lot, but she still said it is not safe and kept driving while we missed the turn. Then it started to rain as well and she kept driving. We saw that there is no way we can walk back to that road so we looked at the maps and about 20km further we saw a little road and asked her to stop. She still wanted to drive on, but I already said it with a higher voice, that we have gone to the totally wrong direction and we need to get out NOW, it doesn’t matter the rain or the highway, we are just moving the wrong way at the moment. She was bit freaked out herself as well, that she took us to the wrong way, but it doesn’t matter, we just needed to go back. When we got out of the car it was pissing down rain and we quickly realized that the fastest way to get to the right road is to go on the other side of the road and hitchhike back, BUT the traffic was crazy, so for a good while we were stuck in the grass area between the two highways in rain. We were just not able to cross the road. Finally, when we managed to do it, quite quickly a truck with already two guys inside stopped and they took us 100km away from Zadar. We were so happy that they saved us from the highway and rain, and since we had no food that day we made a stop in a petrol station. Walking out we were very optimistic and made our lame jokes when we got back to the road, but we stood there forever. I think we were there around 45 minutes and no one stopped. That was the first time when we thought we will not make it to our destination and maybe have to sleep in a petrol station. It got darker and darker with every minute. Finally, a minivan with really cool people stopped and 10 minutes after, it was pitch black outside and a thunderstorm started. Me and Annika whispered at least 8 times to each other, how lucky we were to get into that van. They were actually going to Split, but I think they felt sorry for us, and dropped us of in front of our hostel. That was the sweetest arriving so far. As mentioned this day had lasted toooooo long, starting with me walking home alone with a pepper spray in my hand in Ljubljana and ended in that minivan during a thunderstorm.
Next two days we spent in Zadar, walking around the town, chilling by the sea and just relaxing since our energy level was zero. Fun fact- there are hardly any sand beaches in Croatia, mostly just rocks, but the water is so blue and nice.
After two nights in Zadar we made our way to Split, which was recommended by almost everyone when we mentioned Croatia. And I understand why, such a beautiful city with an amazing oldtown and awesome nightlife. I think I am quite good at directions, but even after two days I had to look for my hostel with a google maps, because all the old town streets are so narrow, tiny and look the same, but it is like an old maze throughout the city, very very beautiful. One day we decided to go to a viewing platform and there was a tiny road leaving this place, so we thought we are going to go down on the other side, since we had time and it was a nice day. Little did we know that this tiny road takes us to 9km track in a 33C heath. But yeah, Split was awesome, we were dancing until the early hours of morning and met some awesome people over there.
And suddenly 29th of June had arrived. For that we woke up early and went to a ferry, to go to a Hvar island (which is 1-2 hours, depending on a transport). And although we had no energy and were not in a mood of party, then we still dressed up and made our way to the town, sinceeeeee after midnight it was my birthday!! We were hanging out in a narrow street with bars on both sides, when at midnight the whole street full of strangers started to sing me happy birthday and suddenly I was on someone’s shoulders and was handed a mojito and sparkling candles. At first, I wanted to escape, but to be honest it was such an awesome way to start my 27th year. And many kisses to Annika, who organized the whole thing! 😊
My birthday was great as well, we went to a Palmizana island, where we just sunbathed and relaxed. In the evening we took part of the pub crawl, but it wasn’t a usual one. Instead we were having an open bar on a boat, while sailing in the sea for the first hour and then we went back to Hvar, to a bar, but me and Annika didn’t like it there, so we left and hanged out with some other people so long. Went back to the boat and then they took us to Carpe Diem club, which is an open-air club in a tiny island, and there is nothing else there at all besides that club. So safe to say, that I am more than happy with my birthday, it was filled with sunshine, heath, drinks and good company.
Next day we had no motivation, but somehow we had to hitchhike up to north Croatia to Pula. And once again this day seemed to last forever. It took us forever to get out of Split (we had to go back there from Hvar first) and we were so wrecked and so not in a mood of carring our bags that day. Finally, we got out of there and the second car dropped us off in a highway, where an older man with a sportscar picked us up. He thought it is such a good idea to show us the coastal route, but me in a backseat did not agree with it at all. I just felt so sick and could not enjoy the views at all (although they were amazing, as much as I opened my eyes). He dropped us off in Rijeka in a right road to Pula. We were only 96km away, so happy, motivated and talking that whoever picks us up now, is a lucky car, since they will be our last car in this hitchhiking trip. 45 minutes passed and no one picked us up. The sun had set and it got darker. Our jokes were quickly replaced by silence. We looked at our watches and realized we only have 10-15 minutes left before it gets totally dark and then a car stopped. 99 times out of 100 we would have said no, but now it was this 1 time, since we had been waiting there for ages already. This was a horrible ride, something from a book “Why should you not hitchhike”. Firstly, when they stopped, there were no seats in the back. I thought they stopped to be funny or smth, but somehow he managed to get the seats up. Then there was a broken car door right behind me, the seatbelts were not working and in general, I am surprised the car itself was functioning. It stank and was so dirty. The men smoked non-stop, so we both felt bit sick after a while. Driving skills were non- existing, since every time he turned his head, the car turned as well. He drove 140km/h in a 90 zone and one time when he tried to overtake, we almost crashed with another car. Safe to say we both had a little nervous breakdown during that ride. And not to mention the guys were proper weird as well, spoke no English, thankfully one of them spoke a little german, so I was able to communicate with him a little bit, to ask wtf is happening. Quite at the beginning Annika whispered that she took her pepper spray out, since this whole thing was too weird. Good idea, I thought, I should do the same. And then I realized I totally lost my alertness, since we were always so lucky with the cars and drivers, and my pepper spray was on the bottom of my make-up bag, which was somewhere in my luggage. Okay, since it was a weird ride I started to look for it. Then I thought that if something should go very wrong, I am wearing my flip-flops, so I won’t be even able to run. And if that wasn’t enough stupidity for one evening then my phone died, since my battery was empty and Annika had 3% left. Sweet, that was the situation the the darkness. I have never ever counted the kilometers so badly. One point they turned away from the highway, although the signs showed that Pula is straight. I tried to stay as cool as ice, tho my pulse was up high and asked why did we turned and they said it is a shortcut. Honestly, I had like 10 different horror movie scripts running through my mind. Thankfully they took us to Pula and then it came out that the back door can only be opened from outside. Getting out of that car was one of the happiest moment of my trip. When I told my brother the story, he said lucky that it was our last, not first car, otherweise we would have stopped our trip already in Estonia 😃
But okay. Everything ended well and now thinking back to it, I just start to laugh.

Croatia itself was amazing and at first we planned to stay three night in north, but ended up staying altogether 7 nights and 6 of them in south. I am beyond happy that we left our trip so loose and were able to play around with the places and dates since Split and Hvar were amazing. Although Croatia is not cheap at all, I am so happy we chose this as our final destination and that I was able to celebrate my birthday there. I would love to go back one day and discover more of it, but I also think we saw quite a bit of Croatia in one week.

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