Sunday, July 2, 2017

Austria 🇦🇹

Viinis veetsime kokku 2 ööd ning õnneks saime ühe Annika sõbranna tuttava juurde, kes oli supper tore. Esimesel õhtul kohale jõudes olime me Annikaga laibad nagu peaaegu igakord kuskile kohale jõudes ning ainuke soov oli voodisse pikali heita. Sellel õhtul oli aga meie hosti ühel sõbrannal sünnipäev ning voodi asendus baariga hoopis, õnneks mitte väga kauaks. Järgmine päev oli plaan teha üks korralik tuur läbi Viini ning ojaaaaa kui korralikuks see kujunes. Täpselt nii, et me trippisime ringi kuskil 10 tundi ning tagasi koju jõudes keegi ei rääkinud sõnagi, sest energiat oli alles suur ümmargune null ainult. Kõigepealt alustasime Schönbrunni nimelisest lossist, mis on pmst Viini variant Versaillest või Peterhofist ning seal olles arvasin ma päriselt, et viskan vist pildi taskusse varsti, sest kuuma oli kuskil 35 ringis ning õhk ei liikunud absoluutselt. Edasi rentisime jalgrattad ja vurasime läbi linna vaadates ära põhikohad ning siis seadsime suuna Doonau jõe äärde kus sai lõpuks kaheks sekundiks jahutust. Nimelt mulle üllatuseks, siis Viini rahvas käib seal ujumas ja päevitamas. Viin on supppper ilus linn ning samuti koht kuhu tahaks jõulude paiku tagasi tulla, kui igal pool jõuluturud on. Samuti nautisin ma Viinis olles saksa keelt taaskord üle pika aja. Ka ise sai päris palju räägitud ning pole see midagi nii roostes nagu ma arvasin.
Järgmine hommik pidi meie host kl 10 lahkuna ning mõtlesime ka Ljubljana poole teele asuda kuid kaks kanapead tuuril nagu me oleme, siis alles majast välja astudes hakkasime mõtlema, et oot-oot aga kust me üldse hääletada saame, sest Viin on ju megasuur. Kuidagi mingi koha me lõpuks välja pusisime, aga maps näitas, et sinna on metroodega 2h trippimist ja me siis otsustasime, et see oleks liiga aja ja rahakulukas meile ning me rendime uuesti rattad. Nii me siis surusime oma ilmselgelt liiga suured seljakotid ratta korvi, mina ees ühe silmaga telefonist mapsi jälgides, teisega teed, vurasime võimalikult kaugele kui pidime rattad ära andma ja siis veel kõndisime päääris korraliku maa, et tee äärde jõuda ning lõpuks võssist välja hüpates avastasime, et me ikka liiga linnas sees, aga selleks ajaks olime me ikkagist üle 2h trippinud ja tahtsime lihtsalt auto peale saada ning bussipeatuses kõikide inimeste ees viskasime näpu püsti😁. Õnneks saime paari minutiga peale ning 2 austria meest viskasid meid ära Grazi, seal totaalselt kesklinna. Jälle trippisime veits edasi kuni enam ei viitsind ja leidsime uue bussipeatuse kust võttis üks hipiema meid oma minubussi ja viis linnast välja. Taaskord olime keset kiirteed, saime mingi imeliku autole kes tsekkis terve tee meie jalgu kuid õnneks temaga pikalt ei pidand sõitma ja ta viis meid üle Sloveenia piiri.

In Vienna we were lucky and could stay at one of Annikas friend's place who was super nice and showed us A LOT of Vienna in those two days. First night when we got there we were wrecked as per usual and only thing we could think of was a bed. But our host had a friend, who had a birthday and bed was quickly replaced with a bar. Next morning we did a city tour and I honestly think we did pretty much most of the touristy things within one day. Altogether we were away for about 10 hours. At first we went to see the Schönbrunn castle, where I actually thought I might pass out, because it was around 35 degrees outside and no wind whatsoever. After that we rented bikes and cycled to the main spots in Vienna. When the heath got to all of us we decided to go for a swim in Danube river, which was well needed by that point. After we cycled more until we walked home and none of us wasn't saying anything since we were totally out of energy.
Next morning our host had to leave at 10am and we decided to hit the road again as well and make our way to Ljubljana, but two "let's go with the flow" persons as we are, we realised we have no glue where to go. Finally we found a road towards Slovenia, but it showed 2hours with metros, which was too long and expensive to swap them and we though we came up with a brilliant idea- let's cycle there. So we squeezed our clearly way too big bags into the basket and started cycling in Vienna city with me infront, one hand holding the phone and looking maps and other trying to stay on the road. We cycled as far as we could before we had to return the bikes and then walked for ages. By the time we got where needed we realized we are still pretty much in the city, Vienna is just that massive. But we couldn't be bothered walking anymore and just started to hitchhike from the bus stop over there infront of all the people waiting for a bus😁. Thankfully we were picked up quite quickly and the guys to us to Graz and dropped us off in the city center, agaaaaaain 😑. So we walked a little bit and just started hitchhiking again. This time a super  cool hippie mom picked us up with her van and took us outside of the city. Where we got to a car with a little weirdo who too obviously checked out our legs the whole ride. Thankfully we only had a short ride with him and he took us on the other side of the boarder.
Vienna is such a lovely city with beautiful buildings and I would love to go back one day, but maybe around christmas next time. Austria was also so homie to me because of german and it was sooo good to practise it again, it is not even as rusty as I thought it might be and it was so much easier with the cars as well, since everyone who picked us up there spoke hardly any english.

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