Monday, June 19, 2017

Poola/ Poland đŸ‡”đŸ‡±

Nagu eelmise postituse lĂ”pus mainisin, siis olime juba teel Poola. See pĂ€ev venis oi-oi kui pikaks. KĂ”igepealt lahkudes Kaunasest saime edasi 10km ning olime kuskil bensuka juures aga suht ei-kusagimaal. Õnneks peatus seal Poola rekka, kes meid peale vĂ”ttis ja umbes 3h Poola piirist edasi viis. Mul oli eriti lebola seal voodis tukkuda kui Annika purssis juhiga, kes inglise keelt ei rÀÀkind, midagigi suhelda. LĂ”puks pani ta meid maha keset kiirteed, kui ta ise kuskile linnakese peale pidi Ă€ra pöörama ja nii me seal siis seisime nagu puuga pĂ€he saanud, et sinna me vist jÀÀmegi, kuna peatumiseks vĂ€ga head kohta polnud ja kĂ”ik tuhisesid meist nagu raketid seal mööda. Olukorra tegid veel paremaks saabuvad vihmapilved. Kuid taaskord meil nĂ€kkas ja juba 5 min hiljem jĂ€i auto seisma. Annika suutis enne autosse istumist ukse Ă€ra lĂ”hkuda ning ma juba olin valmis uuesti sinna keset kiirteed seisma,kui juht oli supppppper tore ja vastas ainult et "no problem". Temaga saime Varssavisse ning, et ta meie nahka juba niigi palju polnud pÀÀstnud, viis ta meid teisele poole Varssavit, kust me saime hakata Krakowi poole edasi hÀÀletama. AusĂ”na, see mees lihtsalt oli kui taeva kingitus too pĂ€ev. Ja sealt samast teeotsast saime ka suht kohe auto peale, kes viis otse Krakowisse. Kuna me polnd kindlad, kas me sinna ĂŒldse jĂ”uame vĂ”i peame Varssavis ööbima, siis alles autos hakkasime majutust otsima ja ohooĂČ, reede Ă”htu ja pea midagi jĂ€rgi polnud (hiljem tuli vĂ€lja, et Poolas oli pikk nv+2 suurt kontserti, seetĂ”ttu oli kĂ”ik vĂ€lja mĂŒĂŒdud). LĂ”puks saime hosteli kuskil 10km linnakeskusest, a la ÕismĂ€e sarnases hoodis ja juht viskas meid sinna Ă€ra ehk supper nĂ€kkas meil too pĂ€ev ikka. Kokku trippisime umbes 800km.
JĂ€rgmine pĂ€ev kolisime linnale lĂ€hemale, pĂ€eva veetsime Krakowi peal sĂŒĂŒes ja snĂ€kkides (tundub nagu me oleks paksukeste suvelaagrisse tulnud 😄) Vahepeal sattusime tĂ€iesti juhuslikult ĂŒhte pulma. Ma ĂŒtlesin, et lĂ€hne vaatame ĂŒhte kirikusse sisse ning Ă€kitselt mingi mees juhatas meid ettepoole, et vahekĂ€ik tuleb vabaks teha ning 10min hiljem kĂ”ndis pruut altari ette. Supper lamp. Õhtul vedasin Annika ta elu esimesele pubirallile, mis oli vĂ€ga Ă€ge ja igast pĂ”nevate inimestega.
PĂŒhapĂ€eval kerget vĂ€simust trotsides ajasime kotid selga ja asusime Slovakkia poole. Saime linnapiiride seest (kuna me rohkem ei viitsinud jalutada😁) autole, kes taaskord tegi endale suure ringi ja viis meid piiripunktini Ă€ra. AusĂ”na, poolakad on niiiiiiiii sĂ”bralikud ja toredad. Kuigi enamus, kes meid peale vĂ”tsid, ei rÀÀkinud inglise keelt ĂŒldse, siis ikka viisid meid ekstra kuhu meil oli vaja. đŸ‡”đŸ‡±

 As said in my last post, we were on our way to Poland. This day ended up lasting forever and ever. We started our day from Kaunas and first car took us only 10km, thankfully a polish truckdriver stopped and took us to Poland. This was a super comfy ride, since I was able to nap in a bed, whilst Annika tried to communicate with the driver and he spoke no english whatsoever. We drove around 4 hours with him and he dropped us off in the middle of a highway, when he had to turn away and we stood there, bit schocked, because firstly it is illegal to hitchhike in Poland and especially on highways since cars are not allowed to stop. And the rainclouds coming towards us made the situation even worse. Thankfully a car stopped only 5 minutes after we raised our hands again. But somehow Annika managed to breake the door of the car and at first I tried to hold my laughter back, but then her and the driver couldn' t fix it, so it wasn' t so funny anymore. Somehow they managed to close it and the driver was suppppppper nice, just said "no problem". He took us to Warschau and made a massive detour for himself and took us to the other side of the city since we said we want to go to Cracow next. This guy was like a gift from heaven that day. Soon we got to a car that took us straight to Cracow and since we were not sure if we are going to make it so far we had no accommodation booked and only one left was 10km outside of the center in a random neighbourhood and the driver took us right infront of the hostel. Altogether we travelled around 800km that day. 
Next day we moved to another hostel closer to the city and explored our way around (mostly eating on every other corner. We actually are like fat kids in a summercamp). One moment we accidentally crashed a wedding right before bride started to walk down the aisle. I just said lets check out that church and when we got in some organiser guy told us to go more infront and free the aisle. Was supper random. In the evening we took part of a pub crawl which was a lot of fun.
On Sunday despite our exhaustment we packed our bags again and went to the road. We started in the city, because we couldn't be bothered walking anymore and first car passing us took us in and once again took us to the border of Poland and Slovakia, although his town was way before that. Polish people are sooooooooooooooo friendly and even despite the fact, most who gave us lift didn't speak almost any english, they still tried to communicate with hands and legs and took us way further that they should have. đŸ‡”đŸ‡±

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