Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Spain ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ

Finally, over two months later, it is time to write down my adventures in Spain. This post will come only in english, since the estonian one is mostly for my mom, but she was in that trip anyways and to be honest then I already thought I will not write anything about Spain... but here it is.
Why Spain? Because my amazing cousin Kaidi decided to get married in Spain. I don't even know why, but Spain did not attract me at all. I knew it was there, one of the most popular holiday destinations amongst europeans, but somehow I always looked past it when planning my trips, but I was still very excited when Kaidi told me where the wedding is going to take place.
What was supposed to be a week in Spain for Kaidi's wedding turned out to be a 3.5 week long trip for me. I can't remember who, but one of my friend said that I just don't know how to take a regular week or 2week holiday like normal people and I think it is so true :D
We started our trip early morning on the 14th of September from Tallinn to Malaga with quite a long stop over in Brussels, where we spent a day walking around the city. The wedding took place in Nerja, which is about 50km from Malaga and by the time we finally got to our accommodation, we had been on the road for 18 hours and this time I wasn't alone listening to my music all the time. This time my mom, uncle, uncle's woman and Kadi were also with me, so in my mind it was a rather large group to get to the destination and safe to say that after those 18 hours arriving at 1am my nerves were ditching me already :D

Thankfully next morning the sun was shining, Spain seemed awesome and I was happy :) The wedding itself was on the 17th of September and all I can say about it is "WOW". It is hard to take my breath away, but when Kaidi walked in, I was out of breath, she looked gorgeous x100. The whole wedding was just amazing and I am beyond happy for the two lovebirds.
Reio & Kaidi


With my brother
While in Nerja, we also had a day trip to Malaga, visited Kings Path (Camino del Rey) and Nerja Caves. The week went by very fast, including way too many sangrias and crazy amount of seafood paella.
La Familia


Camino del Rey

Camino del Rey

Post wedding pool party

On the 21st of September it was time to send my family back to Estonia, I stayed another night in the villa with Kaidi and the day after I sat alone in the bus on my way to Malaga for one night to start my little trip alone. It was so weird, because sitting in that bus I somehow felt so out of comfort zone and in a long time I was a bit afraid to go somewhere alone. Maybe because this week was so full of people and there was hardly any time to be alone and now I was in the same place but alone. Even the whole evening in Malaga I felt a bit out of my comfort zone but then I did a pub crawl and was back in my backpacking zone.
The next day, being wrecked as, I took an 8 hour bus to Alicante. Honestly,  I have no glue why I felt so obsessed that I have to go to Alicante, since I didn't know much about it, but randomly I chose this place to go and now I am beyond happy I did :) Alicante is awesome, with bright blue skies, sunshine, nice beaches, amazing party and a town, that has everything but is not too big. I stayed there for three nights and my favourite night of the whole trip happened in Alicante as well, when we went to the beach with a group of around 8 people, listened to guitar, sang and had drinks there. It was end of September and sitting there in shorts, listening to the waves and watching stars- perfection!

X Hostel

After 3 nights I went to Valencia and stayed there for two nights, but after sunny Alicante Valencia seemed just another big city to me. I mean it was also nice, but I have no crazy emotions about it. Despite the fact I stayed alive. I still don't know what happened, but one afternoon my health went from okay to very bad in just few minutes. All of a sudden I was lying on a bathroom floor, couldn't move myself, breath or even say anything. Thankfully Georgie came look for me and got me medicine and water, so an hour later I could at least stand up to go to bed, but honestly I don't think I have even felt so fucked up in my life before, and seriously no idea why it happened.

After Valencia I made my way up to Barcelona for almost a week and I have mixed feelings about Barcelona.I do like so many things about it. Cute little narrow streets in the gothic quater, nice cathredals, pretty beach and so much to do, but somehow I wouldn't hurry to return there. Maybe because a week over there was enough but propably because the day I left Barcelona I was proper pissed off and I think that might have put me off a little bit.
But as said then there are many things to do there. We went to Gรผell park, mount Tibitabo, markets, beach, walked through the old town, had sooo much seafood and churros.
La Sagrada Familia

Mount Tibidabo

On the 3rd of October I was supposed to fly back to Estonia, but because of the Catalonian protests I missed my flight, because the protesters were literally in the middle of a highway and there was a huuuuuge traffic jam. Safe to say I was beyond pissed off, since in my head I was going to sleep in my own bed that night. When I finally got to Girona (where my flight was supposed to take off) and saw I missed it by half an hour, I just sat down and thought "what now?". The flighst any direction towards Estonia were so expensive, I really didn't wanna stay in Barcelona any longer, so in my head I had to turn the bad situation good again and take it as extra days for my holiday. I decided to go back to Alicante and stayed there for another 4 days. Let's say that Spain is not the worst place to be trapped at and it all worked out fine, because I had an amazing time in Alicante.

When before I had no emotions about Spain, then now I absolutely love it and can't wait to go back. Amazing food (especially seafood), very cheap drinks ( 1 bottle of wine is 1 euro...#mindblown), nice weather and friendly people. I am beyond happy that I took more time off to explore this beautiful country and once again met so many awesome people during this trip, who will definitely stay in my heart for a long time :)



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